Wielka Rawka, Mała Rawka i Krzemieniec – z Przełęczy Wyżniańskiej

Przełęcz Wyżna – Mała Rawka – Wielka Rawka – Krzemieniec – Bacówka pod Małą Rawką – Brzegi Górne
Anfang aus: Brzegi Górne - Ende in: Brzegi Górne
14.1 km
6 Stunden
Schwierigkeit: Amateur
Wettervorhersage in Ortschaften rund um die Route:
Mała Rawka, Wielka Rawka, and Krzemieniec are extremely popular peaks in the Bieszczady Mountains. The first two are known for their magnificent views, while the third is notable for being located at the intersection of three borders: Poland, Ukraine, and Slovakia. The trail from Wielka Rawka to Mała Rawka offers breathtaking views, allowing you to see the meadows, Tarnica, Halicz, and many other sights. Therefore, whatever someone wishes to behold, they will undoubtedly witness it - such are our beloved Bieszczady Mountains.